On October 1, 2022, Proteus will become the first Relativity partner to eliminate user fees for data hosted in RelativityOne.
"Is it PROteus? ProTEEus? Pro-TAY-us? What is that? What does it mean?"
When my partners and I were preparing to launch Proteus in 2015, I wanted a name that carried multiple layers of meaning, including a nod to the type of work we do (apply advanced technology to the tradition-bound legal industry) and homage to our hometown (Indianapolis).
I obtained the Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) certification in May and was recently asked about my experience, so I thought I'd share some quick thoughts with folks considering the course.
Legaltech news recently published a piece entitled 5 Challenges That Await ALSPs on the Path to Growth. Since we are a growing ALSP, this naturally caught my eye.
AmLaw firms get lots of love in eDiscovery circles, leaving many small and mid-sized firms to feel under-resourced and unsure of what to do when they have eDiscovery needs. This brief post is addressed to small law firms, and while it doesn't contain anything earth-shattering, hopefully it will grant a bit of perspective and peace of mind.
eDiscovery Essentials for Business, IT, and Legal Leaders
Apr 27, 2021 1:27:28 PM / by Ryan Short
If you're looking for a quick way to become overwhelmed and discouraged, type "ediscovery" or "ediscovery resources" into Google.
Proteus CEO and co-founder Ray Biederman wasrecently interviewed on the Illumination Zone podcastby EDRM’s Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad. Below’s transcript has been lightly condensed and edited for clarity.
Surveillance cameras are ubiquitous these days. Whether captured on doorbell cams, car dashboards, in parking garages, or in businesses, video surveillance footage is often requested and highly sought-after by litigants attempting to prove their cases in court. But what happens when the opposing party fails to provide this valuable ESI?
Remember your middle school teacher who would remove a grade letter for each day your paper was late? Maybe that teacher was inspired by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Energy Keepers, Inc v. Hyperblock LLC examines FRCP Rule 37(c)(1) and the timely disclosure of discovery under Rule 26.