Data Collection Face Off: iPhone vs. Android

Jul 24, 2024 9:40:53 AM / by Ryan Short


Mobile devices like cell phones and tablets are a potential treasure trove of evidence. But conducting data collection and digital forensics from these devices may prove challenging, and the two most popular platforms in the world, Apple and Android, offer divergent challenges.

Short Message Data Collection in eDiscovery: Challenges and Solutions for Lawyers

Dec 14, 2023 11:45:07 AM / by Ray Biederman


As a vendor that helps attorneys prepare for litigation during the eDiscovery phase, we've seen firsthand how the collection of short message data, such as text messages and social media, has become increasingly important. In fact, short message data is now one of the most common types of electronically stored information (ESI) collected in eDiscovery.

ACC Cybersecurity Summit: Employee Training Panel

Mar 2, 2021 12:22:05 PM / by Ryan Short


This morning we kicked off the Association of Corporate Counsel's annual Cybersecurity Summit by moderating a panel on Employee Training. 

Our experts discussed training programs, network design, and what to do with limited resources and big threats.

Below are some key takeways and quotes, but it doesn't do justice to the ground that was covered. At the bottom of this article you'll find links to the panelists if you would like to continue the conversation.

Case Law: Big Ass Fans v. David T. Williams

Jan 22, 2021 10:39:20 AM / by Anthony Cozzi


A company with a funny name. A dispute about intellectual property. Concerns about cost and privacy. Add it up and what do you get? The latest Proteus Discovery Group case law study.

White House Makes an eDiscovery Rookie Mistake

Oct 7, 2020 2:07:50 PM / by Ryan Short


A picture is worth a thousand words, but the metadata often helps illuminate whether those words are fact or faction.