Data Collection Face Off: iPhone vs. Android

Jul 24, 2024 9:40:53 AM / by Ryan Short


Mobile devices like cell phones and tablets are a potential treasure trove of evidence. But conducting data collection and digital forensics from these devices may prove challenging, and the two most popular platforms in the world, Apple and Android, offer divergent challenges.

Deconstructing Social Media Discovery

Jun 27, 2024 10:22:20 AM / by Ryan Short


Americans love social media - about 9% consider themselves to be an influencer! In January 2024, the Pew Research Center reported that 83% of American adults use YouTube, 68% use Facebook, and 47% use Instagram. Most users have accounts on multiple platforms and many actively create content.

That all adds up to a whole lot of potentially discoverable data. 

There’s More Than One Way to Lay a Foundation: Retrieving Short Message Data

Feb 8, 2024 9:04:00 AM / by Adam Arnold


More than 23 billion text messages were sent from cell phones daily in 2023. Consequently, the collection of messages will likely be a topic of conversation during a litigation or investigation. After balancing the issues of the case, the ability to obtain information from other sources, the potential relevance of cell phone data, and the time consuming and costly nature of cell phone collection, collection may be needed. Proper data collection and handling of messages is difficult, especially...

Short Message Data Collection in eDiscovery: Challenges and Solutions for Lawyers

Dec 14, 2023 11:45:07 AM / by Ray Biederman


As a vendor that helps attorneys prepare for litigation during the eDiscovery phase, we've seen firsthand how the collection of short message data, such as text messages and social media, has become increasingly important. In fact, short message data is now one of the most common types of electronically stored information (ESI) collected in eDiscovery.