Drew Kartes

Drew brings 15 years of litigation support and eDiscovery experience to Proteus, as well as a decade of working for some of the largest SaaS companies in the world. He has led teams focused on forensics, project management, productions, sales, and account management. Drew lives in Southern California with his wife and two children. He can be reached at drew.kartes@proteusdiscovery.com
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Outsourcing eDiscovery: Cost-Effective Strategies for Mid-Sized Firms

Dec 28, 2023 12:30:40 PM / by Drew Kartes


eDiscovery is a critical yet sometimes daunting aspect when preparing for litigation. The sheer volume and complexity of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) can feel overwhelming for firms that don’t have an in-house litigation support or eDiscovery team, leading to escalating costs for their clients.