Scott Collins

Scott has been with Proteus since 2015, and has nearly a decade of eDiscovery experience, primarily in project management. He is a graduate of the Indiana University Robert H McKinney School of Law and is the best disc golfer in the office. He can be reached at

Recent Posts

Case Law: DR Distributors v 21 Century Smoking, Inc.

Feb 4, 2021 3:04:10 PM / by Scott Collins


What happens when attorneys and their clients disregard both the spirit and letter of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure’s eDiscovery rules? As illustrated in the case below, very bad things.

Even federal judges have breaking points, and after more than 8 years, 400+ docket entries, and an almost incomprehensible number of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) blunders, defendants and their counsel unfortunately (but not surprisingly) found themselves on the exploding end of a 103-page,...

He Said, Tweet Said: Social Media eDiscovery

Jul 21, 2020 3:48:26 PM / by Scott Collins


We’re living in a time when social media has supplanted email as the primary means of electronic communication.

Critical Considerations for Document Review Projects

Jul 14, 2020 12:49:20 PM / by Scott Collins


Successful eDiscovery document review project are characterized by both speed and accuracy.

5 Common Struggles for eDiscovery Project Managers

Jul 6, 2020 11:32:04 AM / by Scott Collins


eDiscovery Project Managers (PMs) work in an environment where “I’m on vacation,” “It’s Christmas,” or “I just woke up after open-heart surgery” are rarely suitable reasons to tell a client no.

eDiscovery and the Internet of Things

Jun 30, 2020 1:46:02 PM / by Scott Collins


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally alteredhow most individuals and businesses are conducting their daily affairs. Chief among these adjustments has been a newfounddependence on remote technology.