All That's Old is New Again

Apr 4, 2024 10:47:39 AM / by Ray Biederman


Dear reader,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the shiny object in the legal space for the past 12 months or so. If you are like me, it’s all you have been seeing on legal website headlines and across LinkedIn.

Predictive Coding for Savvy Legal Teams

Mar 21, 2024 10:12:49 AM / by Sarah Barth


Litigators and eDiscovery practitioners often face a common document review challenge when preparing for litigation – too many documents (and too little time to get through them). Linear review, that is, reviewing every document individually, is the most appropriate option in certain situations, but can often be complemented by predictive coding. This is a defensible way to create massive time and cost savings, preserving budget for merits counsel, not for eDiscovery and document review partners

Why Does Proteus Most Commonly Recommend RelativityOne?

Mar 7, 2024 9:26:25 AM / by Ryan Short


Our mission is to provide litigator-led eDiscovery – meaning we approach every client with recommendations from the perspective of practicing attorneys. Each matter is unique – and we’re not in the business of shilling for any particular software provider.

With multiple eDiscovery partners we make a recommendation based on the unique circumstances of each matter. Every platform has one or more strengths, and having multiple partners allows us to keep tabs on market changes, separate innovation...

Embracing eDiscovery for Mid-Sized Law Firms

Feb 22, 2024 1:21:09 PM / by Ryan Short


In January we published a tongue in cheek bingo card before Legalweek that poked fun of many of the words and phrases used by eDiscovery software and services providers, like “voluminous data” and “explosion of data.”

It was a silly thing, but it resonated because the terms were all so ubiquitous.

Legalweek Bingo

Jan 25, 2024 3:06:08 PM / by Ryan Short


By its very nature, eDiscovery is serious work. Truly, whenever litigators and legal professionals get together, it’s probably serious because the outcome of litigation, investigations, and government actions carry massive financial and emotional consequences for adverse parties and counsel.

Death to User Fees

Sep 22, 2022 9:50:46 AM / by Ryan Short


On October 1, 2022, Proteus will become the first Relativity partner to eliminate user fees for data hosted in RelativityOne

What's In a Name?

Aug 1, 2022 4:49:09 PM / by Ray Biederman


"Is it PROteus? ProTEEus? Pro-TAY-us? What is that? What does it mean?"

When my partners and I were preparing to launch Proteus in 2015, I wanted a name that carried multiple layers of meaning, including a nod to the type of work we do (apply advanced technology to the tradition-bound legal industry) and homage to our hometown (Indianapolis). 

eDiscovery Software for Small Law Firms

May 6, 2021 5:40:09 PM / by Ryan Short


AmLaw firms get lots of love in eDiscovery circles, leaving many small and mid-sized firms to feel under-resourced and unsure of what to do when they have eDiscovery needs. This brief post is addressed to small law firms, and while it doesn't contain anything earth-shattering, hopefully it will grant a bit of perspective and peace of mind.

Biggest Data Breach Threat: Your Employees

Dec 8, 2020 8:15:00 AM / by Ryan Short


2020 has been a banner year for highlighting the visceral relevance of cybersecurity. Risk mitigation is being discussed regularly, but law firms cannot eliminate their biggest source of risk: employees.  

The Case for Outsourcing

Nov 2, 2020 11:01:57 AM / by Ryan Short


A $128 million lawsuit is not a typical day in the office. When LeClairRyan and UnitedLex joined forces in 2018, neither party saw it ending like this