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Smaller Firms, Big Tech: eDiscovery Isn’t Just for Legal Giants

Written by Ray Biederman | May 23, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Many small and mid-sized law firms approach to eDiscovery consists of cobbling together legacy tools instead of embracing cutting edge eDiscovery and legal technologies like RelativityOne.

This approach is understandable. Ten years ago, when many firms first tool a look at their eDiscovery practices, eDiscovery was a new and expensive concept. Attorneys could in most cases get by through creating PDFs or scanning documents, and judges and opposing counsel typically accepted it without compliant.

Fast forward to today and notice the paradigm shift; the legal landscape underwent a dramatic shift. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated a cultural move towards technology-first expectations. Cell phone data, Teams chats, and ephemeral messaging are often commonplace evidence in litigation. The “bubblegum” method of eDiscovery simply doesn’t cut it anymore.


Fear of the Unknown 

We’re seeing more small and mid-sized firms asking for eDiscovery solutions to legal problems. This is great for business, but one barrier to entry for many firms is their preconceived notion that eDiscovery costs a fortune. Clients tend to be pleasantly surprised at how much more affordable and user-friendly eDiscovery has become since they last checked.

Outside of cost, our biggest hurdle is user adoption. However, the increasing ease of use of eDiscovery solutions is removing the fear of the unknown.


Leveling the Playing Field

For smaller firms wanting to dip their toes into eDiscovery, vendors like Proteus can provide invaluable support, guidance, and even training on platforms like RelativityOne. This transforms a seemingly daunting step into a manageable one.

Additionally, vendors can offer assistance during periods of data surge. Instead of hiring and training temporary staff, or just going “old school”, which costs a fortune, firms can lean on their vendor’s expertise and resources to scale up. This allows small firms to compete on a technological level with larger firms, evening the playing field and ensuring a focus on the merits of the case, not technical limitations.

In conclusion, the ability to afford and use eDiscovery solutions is no longer a privilege reserved for the largest firms. With the help of an experienced vendor and platforms like Relativity, small and mid-sized firms can now compete, using the same tools as the big firms with the same confidence.

For more information, watch our recent webinar, "Mid-Sized Law Firms: 3 Reasons to Embrace eDiscovery"